My dentist is near the central park... which is the only fact which motivates me to go. Last year, I had more tooth to fix but I didn't since my insurance maxed out. This Sat. I was brave enough to fix my 3 teeth. Old fillings broke!!
and it doesn't make sense how expensive dentist is.... (story is not going along with photos.) and I had to pay $1200 for a periodic medicine, numbing medicine, and 3 filling fix!! if I didn't have insurance. I only had to pay $250 but it's still,,, phew! a lot of money. I hate my teeth.
My mouth was so numb after the dentist, I had to stroll in central park afterwards to make myself better. I didn't want to talk to anyone since my tongue. was numb and I would have sounded very stupid if I talked. I wanted to circulate my blood, so I walked, and I think it helped. It is so green right now in the city but still chilly. Today I still needed a coat with my bruised gum. Lazy weekend.
I so know. Dentists here are super expensive too. We have Medicare here, which is like Kokumin hoken so public hospital is all free. but it somehow doesnt cover dentals. I think my dentist could buy a boat because of my teeth (well not really)!!!
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