Friday, December 17, 2010

Pop Up Shop and my new favorite jewelry designer

Ha! December is so busy, it's already Friday!! I took a day off to relax and clean my house! By the way, there is this Japanese jewelry artist that I have been wanting to meet. She makes such a beautiful fragile jewelries and I love them all!!! Hoping maybe I can buy those for my wedding bands ;) I visited one of her pop- up shop last week. They look even better in person, all the jewerlies are very intricate and detailed designed. She is such a sweet artist too, and showed me that she has a lot of rings on her fingers...! so jealous lol. anyway. I was very excited to see a cool Japanese jewerly artist in NYC and hopefully I can wear her jeweries one day... Her name is Satomi Kawakita, check out her website!

12月は師走といいますが、本当に時間があっという間に。。先日から気になっているジュエリーアーティストがいて、日本人女性の方で、NYCということを発見し、早速彼女のポップアップショップを訪ねてきました。(上の写真、ポップアップショップなのに内装凝ってる〜)こういうの大好き。彼女の指輪は全部繊細で素敵!!さとみさんは全部自分の作品を重ねづけしていて、なんて羨ましい!!!これを結婚指輪にしたいなんてたくらんでるんだけど。(笑)素敵でしょう。是非ウェブサイトに作品を見に行って下さい。Satomi Kawakita


AKKO D said...

her jewelries are soooo cute! do you think they ship them here???
I like her earrings.

saknak said...

Akko> Let me ask her! I am sure she does... her jewelries are really gorgeous!!!!