Prada's 2007 net profit went up like 65% thanks to Asian shoppers. New York City, only 45% of kids graduate from highschool within 4 tears and it's one of the worst rate. This world is.... crazy. Probably stressed out teachers shopping at Prada.
I just saw this new notice on my gmail (by the way I love gmail) and they are starting this service that you can choose the time of the e-mail that's sent.
"How do I use it?
Just click "Set custom time" from the Compose view. Any email you send to the past appears in the proper chronological order in your recipient's inbox. You can opt for it to show up read or unread by selecting the appropriate option."
So if you forget to send an e-mail for somebody's BD, or forgot to send important e-mail to your boss, you can say "wait a minute, I sent it yesterday!" and the e-mail would have yesterday's date on it. The thing is you can only do that 10 times in a year. I think it's a great idea that they came up with. Funky function that saves your life!!!!!!
あ、タイトル 「ク〜ル」になってますけど、最近マンゴーがかなり自分の中でク〜ルです。うまい。彼氏の家族は常にマンゴー食べてるんだけど(フィリピン人だから)食べやすいむきかた教えてもらってそれからはまってしまった。熱しやすく冷めやすい蠍座です。
I heard that new gmail feature was their April Fool's Day prank (see the link)....it would have been cool, though.
April Fool!?!? Serious!? How gullible I am...... I thought that was super cool idea...... oh well. まんまとひっかかりました〜。笑
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