そうそう、週末はインターネットダウンでカスタマーサービスに怒鳴りました。恒例。I didn't have the Internet over the weekend, I had to call the provider and got upset as usual, I shouldn't waste my time with customer service any more in my life!
So, in the evening we went to eat dinner at the sea side restaurant and had sea foods such as scallops, soft shell crabs, white fish etc..... neat restaurant and bitchy waitress.
その後、プールサイドでワイン。MOTEL、ホラー映画に出てきそうなところ、格安で行ったので!シャンプーとか空いたやつが残ってたり。。冷蔵庫もなかったし。ワインもうがい用コップで飲んだよ。(笑)Motel we stayed at had a swimming pool, we had some wine at night with our plastic cups, yes!
My creative friends trying to play a prank on bride's room pretending a dude voice at 2am. However, budget inn was cheap enough all of their phones were not functioning!! 怖い話をした後に、ブライドのいた部屋にいたずら電話を仕掛ける友達。しかしMotelが安すぎたが、電話が作動せず。チーン!あー、楽しかった。
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