Friday, December 31, 2010

大掃除、THE Cleaning day



Today is the last day of 2010. It went by so quick this year. Japanese usually clean the hell out of the house on the 31st. I didn't go too far out but I did clean refrige etc... It is nice to welcome the new year with clean house. Also we eat Soba noodle on the 31st for longevity. Thinking to grab a soba lunch. Since there is no new year decorations in NYC unlike Japan, it doesn't feel like the year is ending at all... I must cook new year food so I recognize 2011 will be here! 

Thanks for visiting my blog this year, I hope you felt like you are sharing days with me wherever you are. I love technologies, blogs, SNS, so convenient to keep in touch with friends and family now. It is also my hobby to write and upload bunch of photos. ( I am sure you know this by now) 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

国際同窓会 in NYC!


So much snow left and nowhere to put it. we have many mountains around on the street!

待ちに待った、NY高校同窓会!いえーい。一人missingですが、NYCに同級生が5人も住んでいるなんて、too exciting. I am very very happy!!!!! 高校の時はそんなに近い訳ではなかったけど、すぐに会ってリコネクトできるのは、大人の良いところ。SNSに感謝。もっとこれからは頻繁に会わなきゃね!私たちの世代が社会を支えていると実感しました。みんな変わらず、嬉しい。昔話できるのも、嬉しい。やっぱり過去の熱い思いで(?)を共有できているっていうのは強い絆だと再認識しました。こんなに高校の友達がNYにいるのは、本当makes me feel home....!

Above are all my class mates from my high school in Japan. We all somehow ended up living in NYC. two of them just moved to NYC, which I am super excited about. What are the chances! It is so nice to share old memories with friends,  although we weren't that close friends back then, we got reconnected easily because of that. Those moments when we were young was somehow very special. It is like...  you share the same fire. awesome...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After the storm

More snow photos. I haven't seen this much snow... It's going to take some time to melt. My boss let us work from home yesterday but today! I have to go to work. Gotta be super careful since everything will be frozen!! Most of the major streets are cleaned up but a lot of snow are left.


Dangerous stair case at the station. Wish me luck that I won't slip today.

Monday, December 27, 2010



We've got a lot of snow over a night! Nico was excited as always...

Sunday, December 26, 2010


First Serious snow in NYC! but it is really serious... lightening with it. I have never seen lightening and snow storm together. It is a harsh weather but NYC is very picturesque with snow!


My friends visited us! This was at 8pm-ish, still keep snowing, probably very snowy tomorrow morning. Cannot wait to play with my dog.

Friday, December 24, 2010


最近、魚釣り狂の友人ができて、この真冬に、NYの海に釣りへ行く度に、魚をもらいます。前回頂いたお魚、新鮮!ジップロックがないため、「証拠」袋に入れられてやってきました。ブラックフィッシュ、っていうんだけどなんの魚!?夏に、日本で魚グリルを買って来たので(日本のように魚オーブンはついていない)魚をグリルして食べています。部屋がくっさいこと〜。笑 ベッドルームのドアは閉めてお料理します。魚、マンハッタンは新鮮なのは買うと高いか、チャイナタウンまで行って、自分でさばかなきゃなので、本当有り難いです。持つべきものは友達〜。笑

Happy Holidays! Red Velvet Cup Cakes

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is having a great end of December...! We have baked some red velvet cup cakes for neighbours and friends parties. They turn out pretty good, the color is perfect for Christmas! I am loving this mini-cup cake moldings. They are perfect size for snack. This year we didn't make it to produce our annual holiday card... :( We are so busy with stuff these days... next year we will make sure to produce a card during summer. hahaha.


Monday, December 20, 2010

美しい愛犬 My beautiful rott

Our beautiful daughter Nico... she does creative face, doesn't she!?

My rottweiler bag!! thanks brian :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pop Up Shop and my new favorite jewelry designer

Ha! December is so busy, it's already Friday!! I took a day off to relax and clean my house! By the way, there is this Japanese jewelry artist that I have been wanting to meet. She makes such a beautiful fragile jewelries and I love them all!!! Hoping maybe I can buy those for my wedding bands ;) I visited one of her pop- up shop last week. They look even better in person, all the jewerlies are very intricate and detailed designed. She is such a sweet artist too, and showed me that she has a lot of rings on her fingers...! so jealous lol. anyway. I was very excited to see a cool Japanese jewerly artist in NYC and hopefully I can wear her jeweries one day... Her name is Satomi Kawakita, check out her website!

12月は師走といいますが、本当に時間があっという間に。。先日から気になっているジュエリーアーティストがいて、日本人女性の方で、NYCということを発見し、早速彼女のポップアップショップを訪ねてきました。(上の写真、ポップアップショップなのに内装凝ってる〜)こういうの大好き。彼女の指輪は全部繊細で素敵!!さとみさんは全部自分の作品を重ねづけしていて、なんて羨ましい!!!これを結婚指輪にしたいなんてたくらんでるんだけど。(笑)素敵でしょう。是非ウェブサイトに作品を見に行って下さい。Satomi Kawakita

Monday, December 13, 2010

More Christmas from NYC

I passed by NYSE today, they had a giant christmas tree! very beautiful. I actually like this one better than the Rockerfeller one. It was really cold in NYC and we had flurry today. Maybe it will be white tomorrow. Last week I had a couple of guests from Japan (Yen is good right now~) and on the weekend we went to woodbury commons outlet mall. It wasn't that crowded but a lot of people were shopping for holidays.

@ my office, Santa clause pays a visit every year, and kids get to whisper their  wishes. Jealous... 


Saturday, December 11, 2010



今週は、円高だからか?日本からの友人が3組、やってきました。NYにいるとみんな遊びに来てくれていいよね。私の親友たちは、誰も遊びにこないけど。(読んでる〜?笑)今日は、クリスマスツリーをやっと買いました。といっても、高いので、小さいのにした。これでも$30だよ、どういうこと!?まあ、でも雰囲気がでていいよね。朝は、ニコのお風呂。いつもいくペットショップで、お姉さんが「バンダナあげる!」といって、ニコがもらったバンダナは、ヨークシャテリアの柄が入った微妙なバンダナでした〜。笑 でもせっかく頂いたので、今日は一日つけてみたけど、にあわねー。ちょっとちっちゃかったね。朝から抹茶最中アイスクリームを食べて、満足した土曜日でした。

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree Season

Suddenly It got COLD!!!!! it was snowing this morning. It's still beginning of Dec. What am I gonna do when it's colder!?! I am staring at these trees everyday, debating if I should buy one or not. They are pretty expensive....  Somehow, I have been having a lot of visitors from Japan this week! 3 different friends. Is that because Yen is expensive...?


Congrats my friends!!

My girlfriend in NYC got married on Sat. YAY!!! I helped their wedding... it was such a homey wedding at the restaurant. Full of happiness....

My girl friends, looking cool.

Us, looking awesome.

Thursday, December 2, 2010




Christmas Light at my Office Building

Christmas decoration at my office building lobby! They really go far out and I don't know how many trees they put out... I will take another photo.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Decoration Time has started!

My building starts going crazy on Christmas decoration. It is outside of our building, pretty! We need a christmas tree soon.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanks Giving.

Happy Thanks giving!.... is over but above is the delicious dinner at our friends' house. 

A Vintage Guitar Shop

I love 4 days weekend..... After having thanks giving day at Brian's place & Our friends place, we went to check out a vintage guitar shop in NJ. Brian was looking for a certain guitar and we rented a car and drove there. I didn't know what to expect but the shop had so many interesting guitars and I enjoyed it... 

Like this Amp, I have never seen inside of the Amp. I always wondered why they are so big. They had vintage amp too which looked very neat!! not ugly black ones but they look more like modern furniture. The owner of the store used to work at the recording studio in NYC and rented out guitars etc. Interesting...The one my fiance is playing in the photo is the guitar from Springsteen's bus driver's.


Smells Like Christmas

Hello. Christmas is everywhere now in NYC! It has been getting really cold and it is the weather you need a hat and gloves! This year I see more animal hats like above... I love panda bear and love the hat above but I feel too old for it :( If I were in Oregon I would have worn them every day.

At Union Square holiday shops are here~ there are many cute shops and it is just fun to walk around. This year it seems that they have more variety than last year, It was fun to just hang out there. Time to think about Christmas presents...! 

クリスマスが近づいてきました。街中クリスマスの準備が始まった感じで。今年は小さいツリー買いたいな。去年の冬ぐらいから、アニマルハットが流行っているらしく。これは中学生までか、ヒップな若者しか着れないね。パンダ、好きだからかぶりたくてしょうがなくて試着しましたが、やはり年が、、、笑 ブライアンは、「日本人がかぶってても許されるよ」なんて優しい事を言ってくれましたが、どう考えても厳しいわ。まじで寒くて、帽子と手袋必需ウェザーに成って参りました。こたつ欲しい。。。

Monday, November 22, 2010


うちの会社には、なんかChallenge & Actとかいって、半期に一回自分の仕事の成果や目標を、上司と話し合う会が最近出来ました。要は、自分の目標を書いて、設定して、その後にどれだけそれが達成されたか5段階で後で自己評価するんだけどさ。




Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lomo Shop

 A New shop opened near our house, it is Lomography shop! They had all the lomo cameras in the store, fun fun fun!! We found this crazy 360 spinning camera, supposed to take photos 360 degrees. We were tempted to buy it but didn't today. What do you think??


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas Tree is there.

Rockerfeller Center was putting up the annual X'mas tree. It is giant as well.

Skate rink is here too.




私のパンツを食べてるのは誰?Who is eating my undie...?


She did it again! She has done this (ripping my underwear) for at least...hmm 5 times now! Occasionally she just pulls out mine from the laundro basket and play with it I guess!? Why is it mine, not my fiance's?! but I love the "I'm sorry face" she makes. I think she knows that she is not supposed to do this.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The end of Autumn

We are enjoying the end of Autumn. Getting colder every morning! but Dogs love it.

A lots of leaves fell....

