Sunday, June 5, 2011

Shopping Spree

Ok, sometime photos should not be Nico right? :P on Sunday we did a lot... We went to central park, hang out with dogs and afterwards I went to a Yoga class (felt unhealthy from all the drinking in Japan) and went to manicure since I had a credit left at the salon. And, it was still a noon. We had to get some gifts for relatives and friends, so went to SOHO to shop in the afternoon.  I usually don't go there especially on weekends but it was ok today. Above was a new street art. One thing I really like about New York is you don't get bored just walking down the streets!... and my love for peony below the photo. It was at Kate Spade in SOHO.

たまには、ニコじゃない写真も載せましょう。日曜日はなんだか2日分を生きたぐらい活動してしまいました。いつもやってから後悔するんだけど。朝はセントラルパークいって。出張の不健康さを(精神的に)取り除くためにヨガ。いててて。そんで、マニキュアしにいって、まだ昼だっつうねん。その後、結婚祝い頂いた親戚の皆様にお返しを買いにSOHOに繰り出し。普段は特に週末はあんなに混んでるところいかないけど、久しぶりに行きましたわよ。人のものとあって、大人買い。なんかたぶん気が狂った日本人観光客だと思われたと思うよ。ブライアンのおかげで、Kate Spadeディスカウント、ありがたや〜。でっかい緑のKate Spade紙袋を下げて女性の熱い視線を感じながら、白熱に買い物してきました。久しぶりのSOHOはストリートアートも新しくできてたりして(写真最初)歩いていて飽きないわNY。

I finally got a 1TB (!) HD disk and magic mouse. I am surprised how HD disk got smaller and cheaper... my last one is a substantial box and it also needs a plug in to get power! This 1TB portable HD is like a light iphone size box and just has a short wire.... aw, why didn't I buy this earlier! I am going to back up my mac and also photos. yay! Also... I was so bothered by my mouse since it didn't work well on my white glossy desk. I thought I'd give a try for a magic mouse and it is, wonderful!!


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