Friday, April 29, 2011


We flew from JFK to LA to make a connection to Tokyo.both JFK and LAX sucks. Airports only have junk food, no ramen or onigiri!! We got to fly over grand canyon south rim. It was nice.

Now killing time to the flight and drinking too much coffee. I wonder which movies will be on the airplane. See you all soon peeps in Japan.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

To Japan

どわーっと、4月も終わっちゃって、本当今年何したんだろうっていう具合ですが、明日から日本です!今回は、プライベートで休暇で行きます。パーティーしに行きます。京都へも行きます。楽しみだな。珍しく乗り換えで、LAによります。ちょうどROYAL WEDDINGが空港で見れる感じかな〜?ウィリアム王子、同い年だし。同じ年に結婚だけど、大分、違うなー。あたりまえだけどさ。(笑)こんな自分の年で世界中の視線と期待をおっての結婚式って、すごく面倒くさいし大変そう。その分ゴージャスなこともあるだろうけど、すごいいろんな人の意見で全てが決まって行くんだろうな。。アメリカはこの1週間、Royal weddingと、オバマが本当にアメリカ人なのかっていうおばか2大ニュースで終わって行きました。

Vacation time for me. Visiting Japan to party and celebrate, also stopping by Kyoto to travel. Some people are worried about going there but I am not worried at all, after all it is my home. Although I haven't felt earth quakes for a long time, I must be freaking out when we get one while I am there. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



ニコ泳ぐの巻。First swimming in the... dirty pond

Finally it is getting hot! We took Nico to central park last Sat. and she had such a fun. Whenever we take her to camping or near water, she never go in. She sometimes goes into the still water like a lake, but never swim. So! we were so surprised when she went in the water and swam in the (dirty) central park pond!!!! so amazing... I should have took a video. I think before she went in the water voluntarily, she slipped walking on the ledge of the pond and I think she accidentally fell. we are not sure. but anyway, I am so happy I captured the moment! she looks serious swimming, doesn't she?? 

挑発されている。Getting excited by looking at other dogs?

必死。Trying her best to reach the shore.



Stinky dog.

Happy as a hell dog. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

missing boxers, 消えたパンツ

Baby leaves coming out

People trying to make the garden look like Spring. All the boxes are full of tulips.



We have recently noticed that MANY of Brian's boxers have gone missing... we don't separately wash them, so it is very odd that they disappeared. We have noticed a few weeks ago and now pretty sure that at least.... 10 of them have disappeared. Personally it is funny to me (sorry sweetie!) but it is a serious problem for Brian. I mean, imagine that you suddenly lose your staple underwear! what a tragic event. If anyone knows where they are, please let me know. Thank you.

Nico's habit these days. 最近のニコの動向

We have a routine work to do in morning. I usually walk her before the work, and usually to the river. She likes to go to this bench and sit down there and meditate for a while. She does insist to stay there! so, I do the same. Just for a few minutes of peace in morning is really amazing. It will calm you down and I think she feels the same!

Also she likes to find a stick on the way home and bring it back home. I am taking a picture of her with every stick... She seems to like good fat stick. She never pick up a skinny stick. As soon as she gets to elevator, she drops it and I know she considers the elevator part of her home. Isn't that funny. She doesn't bring it in the apartment usually so I have to toss the stick in the garbage can, which is kind of odd....


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunny Day!

Finally some sunshine! We went to dog park. Pretty windy and chilly still... Ah, it's almost end of April and I have a feeling that NYC will skip Spring again! (I think that's always the case) A lot of dogs were out as you can see and nice to feel the sunshine although it was still cold. I seriously the weather affects my mental state greatly.

I slept a lot these past 2 days, got back my energy so cleaned the apartment, worked on some wedding stuff, (have to get invitations out soon!) and planning a trip to Japan the end of this month. We are holding a mini lunch party to celebrate and it will be fun. We are thinking to rent Kimono for the party. I mean, we don't get to wear Kimono many times after all, this is a great excuse. Also we decided to visit Kyoto during the trip, very exciting! I have only been there on school trips so it will be a different experience for me.

Look at me~! I am the cutest French Bulldog!



Saturday, April 16, 2011

Green Tea Oreo

Above is Nico being happy at Brian's studio. This week was so busy, it was like, get up, go to work, many meetings a day, dinner with work people, and sleep. It is amazing how your apt. can get dirty even though you are not at home most of the time...! This weekend I am taking care of myself and also the apartment. Getting cold again... :( enough cold and ready for Spring! 

Oreo Green Tea!! of course from Japan, thanks my friend for bringing it! You can probably imagine what it is like and as you imagine, they are delicious....!! U.S. should totally produce this here as well. Great twist to the original oreo.

オレオ抹茶味のニュースを聞いて、ずっと食べたかったんだけど、友人が持って来てくれた。ありがとう。予想通りだったけど予想通りにおいしい。これはアメリカでも売れるんでないかな。後はヨーロッパの方が受けるかな。 天気が悪くてやる気のない感じの土曜日です。

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cherry Blossoms, お花見 in MD




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Shampoo Hat、お風呂でこれを思い出した

(Photo borrowed from some blog) but... This is what came to my mind while I took shower tonight. Shampoo got in my eyes, it has been a while. Is it only Japan that people use this hat to avoid shampoo gets in your eyes? I wanted that when I was a kid... This looks really silly now I look at it.

久しぶりにシャンプーが目に染みて、思い出したのはシャンプーハット、でした。これってかなり変だよね。アメリカで見た事ないけど、日本だけなのかな〜。日本でもまだ売ってるんですか?買って帰ってくるかな。笑 ハロウィーンとかにいいかも。子供のとき欲しかったのを覚えている。お写真はウェブから拝借致しました。

Mr. Watson at IBM

今週は忙しくてひぃひぃしています。月曜日は、NYは1時間半ぐらい北上したところにある、IBMのリサーチセンターのHQに行きました。NYにいる日本のコンサルやリサーチャーが集まって勉強会、みたいなのだったのですが、そのうちの一部で、最近有名になったWatson君に会うことができました。日本人ビジターでは初めて見せてもらうということでみんな大興奮。Jeopardy(長寿クイズ番組)を撮影した会場も実際に訪れ、ゲームをやらせてもらったのですが、Watoson頭よさ過ぎ。ワトソン君のすごいところは、人間の自然な会話を解析し、答えを数秒で出すという仕組みです。番組では、いろいろなジャンルの質問が出ますが、Watoson君はなんのその、と答えていき、ビジターぼろ負けでした。笑 会場にいたテクニシャンの人が、スピードを下げてくれたぐらいでした。。


Sunday, April 3, 2011


NYC is getting colorful...


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fashion Girls for Japan

After the hearty breakfast...

We went to this event called "Fashion Girls for Japan"Japanese people in Fashion industry in NYC started this event and they did a big sample sale of big designers. I had a few friends involved in the event so I went to check it out! Also the all sales goes to Japan relief fund, so I thought it is a good cause. (and excuse to shop) I knew it would be so crowded but look! the line wrapped around the corner and so many people showed up. Which I guess was good for the event. We eneded up being in the line for an hour. Inside was packed! Women going mad and they were trying on stuff full naked. 

 たくさんチャリティイベントが日本に向けて行われていますけど、今日は友人も手伝っていた、デザイナーのサンプルセールへ。売り上げは全て日本への義援金、ということで買い物する良い口実。予想以上の列。NYCでも並ぶのです、、1時間並んだあげく、中に入ると、混んでた〜!でもかわいいお洋服たくさん。もっと小さいサイズがあれば良かったけど。素晴らしいNYならではのイベントです。女の人は、恥を捨て、会場内で普通に裸になって試着していました。取材に来ていたNHKやTV Tokyoや、カメラのおじさん困った顔していましたけど、女性陣はそんなの気にしている場合ではない。買い物です。売り上げも1日で$192,000ということ。良かった。



春はどこかな〜, looking for Spring!

Where is Spring! I am looking for it but it seems like... we maybe skipping Spring this year. Today was nice and sunny, we rented a zip car and drove to Central Park in morning for dog off leash fun!


Friday, April 1, 2011

The best french toast so far.

Ah, I have to share my secret french toast place. Well... actually it's not really a secret but they are so good, I don't want to tell anyone and keep all of their french toasts mine!! haha. so there is a diner near my office called "Izzy & Nats", It's a regular diner with good sandwich and chicken noodle soup. One day I just tried their french toast for lunch and aw. they are so soft! I think they fry them quickly and inside is magically soft. If you are around there, go have some food...

会社の近くには食べるところが余ないのですが、最近よく行くダイナーがあって。そこに本当においしいフレンチトーストがあるんです!!普通のダイナーなんだけど、ふわふわのフレンチトーストで、たぶん一回さくっと揚げてるんだと思うよ。揚げドーナッツだ!と、友達と興奮しながら食べてたんですが、本当おいしい。so far, 一番おいしいなマンハッタンで。この量すごいでしょう。お昼にこんなん食べてるんだから。

My friend gave me these plants in a cute cups!! One of them is going to live at Brian's office and another is at our apt. Trying to grow them and make it big! 
