Thursday, April 30, 2009

Photo Studio Party... and Samba

Another photo studio party I went yesterday. This one was held by photo equipment company so they had these settings to let people shoot models. They had a jumping model with a trampolin and samba team below! It was quite awesome... They prepared the newest and nicest equipment that photographer could possibly use... I felt bad for the model above, she had to keep jumping for the camera.

Above is the Kapoela people with samba team.. it was brilliant idea to have them, music was great, samba women were beautiful, Kapoela guys were handsome!! hahaha. People here are very good at enjoying the moments especially at party like this. Very New York like party this one.  Drink, Dance, Talk with just people around you and hang out. It was a good party.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine FluとNYの青春

Japanese HQ sent us masks and air purifier medicine which smells like chlorine! Masks look pretty serious, I heard those does not even let germs to go through... but I only have 3 of them, I wonder how I will make decisions to use them. I thought about applying to my dog but I guess she has too long face for the mask. and I don't even know if swine flue can get to dogs! anyway, I really do hope swine flu does not get to our office. I read an article about Ernst&Young person got infected in Times Sq. and we have their people in our building.

今日はphoto studio partyに行ってきました。photo studio partyの、fu-- recession partyです。要は、スタジオに関係者集めて飲むだけの交流会ですが、これが楽しい訳です。NYのいいところはやっぱり日本と変わらず業界は非常にせまく、人を知っているからこそ仕事が来る点です。私は全く関係ないですが、アート関係の人は金融よりも全然警戒レベルが低く、日本人に対して好感を抱いてくれているのは、非常に日本人でアート業界で活躍している人に感謝するべきことです。



とにかく、アートの人はこう、laid backで、あんまり体裁気にしないところが本当に好きです。その場を楽しんで、人間関係を楽しんで。(意識しすぎてるところもありますが。)フォトグラファー同士になると、「誰の作品が好き?クライアントは誰?」など、笑顔でかなり真意をついた質問交わしたりして。ま、それはどの業界でも一緒か。


I like how it feels outside!

This is where I walk every morning, nearby park... I don't know how long this weather is going to last, but this is definitely my favorite season!

Flowers blooming, a lots of green, warmth in the air, a lots of light! Everything lifts my spirit up! I can walk forever listening to music on the day like this. iphone take pretty okay photos...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Halo Haloと豚インフル

Above is filipino dessert halo halo! It is so different from what Japanese convenience store used to sell, it's more like,,, savory desserts with beans and potatoes in shaved milk...!? I am not sure what I ate.


なんか、いきなりswine flu (豚インフル?)が流行っていて、びっくり。。NYでは、駐在の人はいきなり日本に帰されたりしているところも、あるらしい。うちの会社も日本からマスクを送ってもらっているとか。やっぱりマスクは日本製でないとだめそうだよね、、。NYでも発症ケースが40にまで急増しているが、メキシコの移民も多いし。もっと増えてもおかしくない気がするなぁ。。


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Favorite Hiking Spot

This weekend.. it feels like the summer came all of the sudden! We went hiking to my favorite spot, 1 hour away from the city. It was full of life!

All kinds of flowers were blooming, it was getting a lot greener than winter, I like Spring and Summer so much better than winter! oh, I like Autumn too... Winter is too quiet for me!

For a moment, I thought it was cherry blossom! aren't they gorgeous? Beautiful Magnolia in full bloom! I never seen this big and fluffy Magnolia before...
Sunset was beautiful on the river. After coming back from Japan, this nature remind me why I want to stay! It's easy to access the nature in the United States. You can drive and it's there, it heals your heart. anytime you go. Trees are there for you.

And best part is the space! I love open space like this....!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Summer Begins!?

From the afternoon, it got suddenly warm, everyone was outside, hanging out.... did I miss Spring!? It's supposed to be a lot warmer in New York this weekend. Now tribeca film festival is here,the screen is set up outside of my office. I like, summer. so much better.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Tuesday, April 21, 2009



女の子の服装が、ブリブリ ラブリー ドール化してると思った。OLも、若者も。ピンクとか、シアー素材、段になったスカート、シュシュ、ふわふわ、きらきら、フリル、パフ、そんな感じ!?デパートとか、女性のおもちゃ箱状態で日本女性の嗜好をよく反映していると思いました。





Monday, April 20, 2009

FIghting Off Jet Lag

(Above train to commute. Full of suit tired men)
I took a day off since I was working on Good Friday. It is rainy and very cold in NYC! the worst weather it can be in April.

New York is a big city but after coming back from Tokyo, I can physically feel that it is much more relaxed. I don't know what makes it so different but I think being in Tokyo, just being surrounded by so many people made me tired. Riding train, walking around in the city, there are always always tons of people and traffic!

Every time I go back to Japan, I encounter different feelings and this time was also such a case. Especially this time, I had my best friends' wedding and other friends marriage and baby news, that definitely let me know that time is flying and each friend is walking their own path.

Some friends asked me "When are you coming back to Japan?" and it breaks my  heart, and the word becomes heavier every year. I saw a lots of  my friends and it is always good to see them and hang out, but I miss them a lot when I come back.

Life here is much easier... I feel like. Food in Japan, so much better! and shopping.  I am still not sure what keeps me in the states for such a long time but of course I have a job here, I have relationships here etc, and I think most of all that I know going back Japan is always there as an option but staying in the United States is not. Once I go back to Japan, it will be most likely hard to come back here.

This year I am going back to Japan again in July for another wedding, I am happy I get to see people again! Also I would like to travel somewhere....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back in NYC

Finally after 2 weeks, I am back in city! Spring has come while I was gone but still it can get warmer, come on weather!
we saw... is this eagle? Above is the huge bird, tried to take off from the branch. There was a crowd watching the bird but wasnt sure what kind. I am trying to stay awake after long plane trip... walked my dog, washed her... and now organizing photos. ah, I want to sleep and it's still 8:30pm, damn jet lag!



Friday, April 17, 2009


ー日本で流行っているもの ①シュシュ ②ひらひらのついたトートバッグ  ③段々のスカート

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tokyo is ...big!

I cannot flip this photo somehow but its TOKYO station! I can see it from the place I eat lunch. seriously big station.

-Drinking everyday, I am exhausted, but having so much fun
- Japan has so many cute things, I dont have enough money ( alwayas)
-some dude was puking at station, so gross. he looked normal afterwards, he must be doing it everyday
-I am eating all kinds of different food for lunch.
-People still smoke at the restaurant, all my clothes stink
-Clothes and small things are so cute, I cannot resist.....
-bought so many books and send them to NYC
-Tomorrow is the last work day! yay!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I think she knows I am behind the camera.

Tokyo... is huge!

This is near my office. It is middle of Tokyo, seriously near by 'Tokyo' station. Tokyo is really huge, a lot bigger than Manhattan. Since I left Japan when I was in senior year in high school, I totally had no experience walking around middle of Tokyo, which is considered business area.
Buildings look the same, tall, and new! A lot of department store and office... Stations have huge huge basement with shopping mall, it's like under world of Tokyo. You can find anything you want underground! ( I should take photos of)
Above is famous Shibuya, can you believe how many people are there?! It makes me tired just walking through the huge crowd.... Above is the town I used to hang out when I was in school in Japan, but no more... too busy for me. Feels old!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nice Italian Food in Japan

Tonight, I had very fine dinner at my friends' restaurant 'Il Delderio' near Omotesando. Very fancy space, and great atmosphere!  Followings are some of the food  we had.... very tasty and delicate flavor! different from New York Italin.... Beautiful plating. I don't go to this kind of fancy place too often so it was very fresh and nice especially with friends. good wine, good food , thats all you need with friends to spend good time! My friend makes all the pasta and everything, I am so impressed and inspired! I am always jealous of creative friends. I always wish if I had some artsy talent!! hahaha.



Japanese Pet Store

ah, so much to write about during my stay. I went shopping on Sunday, went to this small mall spot in neighbourhood. There was a big pet shop and of course I went in.... it's so different from the one in New York. It seems Japanese love Pomeranian, Chihuaua, Dacuhshund, (spell?) all kinds of small dogs! and they have ALL kinds of accesories, organic treats etc. Kind of extreme. Above is pet shop, it looks like a doggie day care....! 
This one is a photo of grooming place in the store, all dogs look so rich, looks like they are having better life than I do!!  A lot of teddy poodles.

and Most of all, this gourmet looking doggie treats. Oh my. Japanese have everything.... I didn't buy one for Nico because I think her daddy gets upset if I feed her this. hahaha. Nico, sorry! but I got you chicken stuff!!!









Saturday, April 11, 2009

Food... and friends!

Oregon friends! We went to Daikanyama for ODEN.
This Oden place above, is.... amazing! see how kind looking those food are? It's Japanese comfort food I think.

Lunch Box for lunch!

Awabi........ and KIRIN!

Cherry Blossom!

Lunch time, there are so many choices in tokyo for fair price... yummy lunch boxes above.
My colleague took me to nearby cherry blossom spot. It has been really not in Japan.

Lots of people were outside... it's near emperors place.

Beautiful every year....