Monday, May 30, 2011


Ah, very excited that I have my Lumix camera back. iphone does a great job but I just love Lumix. Don't you!? by the way, how do you organize digital photos..? I have so many pictures as you can imagine... and I store some albums on Picasa and all the photos in iPhotos, but thinking to back up in mini-hard drive. Any recommendation? 


Brian's niece. Isn't she adorable?? Only 7 months. Started not liking to be held by others but her mom. Cannot wait till she starts talking.


My LOVE, peonies. why are they so lovely!? I picked some at Brian's parents garden. They are so fresh and beautiful. Now they are in my kitchen, every time I look at it, I sigh for its beauty. haha.


Memorial Day Weekend

3 days weekend! Beautiful sunny weekend... since I was away for so long and Brian has been working so hard, our apartment was a bit messy, and we decided to clean the apartment. I framed the cloth that I bought in Kyoto in the bathroom, aren't they beautiful? They are crafted by hand and I Like motif are Japanese. some essence of Japan in our bathroom! I wish I had more wall space to hang more stuff. 


Nico got cleaned as well. She met this tiniest dog at the pet shop. I cannot believe they are the same kind of animal. This tiny dog was trembling and smaller than Nico's head as you can see. The owner was kind of crazy over the dog... very typical over protecting parent.


We had a good breakfast at cafe while we dry Nico under the sun. I missed this New York brunch. Volume, Eggs, Fruits, Vegetables! food in Japan is awesome but they don't serve this kind of breakfast.


Saw Bridesmaids. Highly recommended! good laugh. It was not a chic movie but really awesome comedy. I was afraid of falling sleep during the movie because of jet lag but it kept me awake and laughing.

夜は、Bridesmaids。コメディ。最高。みてっ! 日本のテレビのバラエティも、下らなすぎて面白いのもあったけど、やっぱ笑いは違うよねー、、でもこの映画は日本人でも面白いと思うけど?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summer in New York!



Came back from Japan! Nice to be home... Everyone asks me how Japan is, but Tokyo is back to pretty normal, besides everywhere is saving energy and office is really dark. Escalator and elevator at station are not moving etc. but regular life is back to normal. Good food, good sake... as usual. It is so hard to resist good food there and I feel healthier being in NYC. more cooking and less good sake :) The weather is so nice and toasty, makes me a lot happier than gloomy May we had. Already using AC this year, Nico is so hot in the house. Have a good long weekend everybody!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


平日の飲みすぎを反省して、週末は休肝日としました。ちょっと新宿に出かけて、ユザワヤを見たかったので、ユザワヤへ。やっぱり日本は、LOFT、東急ハンズ、無印、ユザワヤなどいいよね。雑貨系はどこの国も勝てないんじゃないかと思います。豊富な品ぞろえ、高くないし。ただ、、どこの駅にいってもデパートというのは便利ですが圧倒されると同時に、買い物以外にみんななにやってんのかな~と不思議に思っちょります。買い物はもちろん楽しいですが。。 今日は帰りに友人宅により、ほっとしました。ずっとホテル暮らしだと、ちょっと落ち着かないというか。人の家でも「自宅」に行くと、なんか日本に帰ってきた気がちゃんとします。笑



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chat with Nico

Face time with Nico. I think she sees me and hear me and recognize me..but cannot speak. (of course.) It is really funny. I love face time and ip phone...! it is free and works great. 


Baby is born!

My best friend had a baby! We visited when he was 3 days old. SO adorable... and small!! We have been friends for.. more than 10 years now and it is great to see her becoming a mother. Feels unreal and makes me feel old but.. looking at happy friend makes me want to have a baby someday.! 



Still in Tokyo!

I am still in Tokyo. It was a long week somehow, I am just chilling this weekend. Finally moved out from scary Shinjuku neighbourhood and moved to near Ginza. I feel so much better now :) The weather is getting more summery and it was really beautiful on Saturday. Everyone is still talking about eathquake and nuclear plants... Many people mention about how dark cities are, but I don't really feel it's dark. (well, at the office it is quite dark without a lot of lights) I think it's ok that they are saving lights. I am more worried about summer that's coming soon. It gets really humid and hot, especially in trains and restaurants... I hope people won't suffer too much this summer.

なんだか長い1週間でした。なので、今回は落ち着いた週末を過ごしています。(ってねまくってるだけだけど。笑) 平日は、仕事→飲む→寝る、で終わっていきます。東京で働くって、体力仕事です。ははは。おじさんみんなどうやってるの!東京は金曜日は会社で余震が2,3回あったけど、結構長くてゆーらゆらしてて「めまいみたい」というのがよくわかりました。実家では普通に「ぐらぐら」揺れたけど、高いたてものだと、気持ち悪い感じで揺れる!街が暗いと話す人がたくさんいますが、あんまりそういう印象は受けない。会社は、結構暗い。夏がとにかく心配。朝の電車は既に暑くて窓を開けてるのに、これからどうなるんだろうという感じです。

(Ginza Above!) 用事があって、土曜日は友達に会いに銀座に行きました。午後なのに、ホコテン ガーラガラでびっくり。銀座駅よりはもう少し混んでいましたが。連日テレビは地震のその後と、できない管首相や東電の話ばかり。東電は完ぺきスケープゴートにされているというか、普段みんなあんなに当たり前のように電気をつかってて、問題があったらここまで人のせいにするわけ?とちょっと疑問に思います。もちろん東電の危機管理プランがなってないところもあると思いますが。。国を、東電をせめても、結局これってみんな自分のことなんじゃないかって、人のことをせめてどうなるんだ、と日本のメディアを見ていると思います。

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hello, Shinjuku

Hello, Tokyo. I am back again! It got warmer than the last week. You don't need a jacket. Since last night, my best friend in Tokyo was in labor and I was so anxious and couldn't sleep much, which made me fall sleep all the way from NYC to Tokyo. It was like when I woke up, I was at Narita! direct flight is so much better.



I am not too familier with Shinjuku but I don't think I like it... so many people but somehow this big city has a sense of lonliness to it. (or maybe it's only me that think so!) I was walking around to find a good spot to eat but ended up going to a (Japanese) diner nearby the hotel and ordered hamburgu and a glass of wine. It cost me 1600 yen, hmmm, not sure if it was cheap or what.  It was first time for me to go to diner alone. I really don't like eating by myself :( but no choice today. Shinjuku makes me feel lonelier....


I was looking for some machine at convenience store and ended up visiting this empty scary looking office building!! why do they leave the door open ???????? I am sure it was a safe place but its so creepy to be alone there and I ran out as fast as possible. I miss NY.

Central Park Fun

Before I left for Japan, we decided to take her to central park in morning! since we were away for a while and we wanted her to hang out at the big park. Nico met this rottweiler puppy! (on the right is Nico, she is looking at the puppy like WTF?) Rott is so adorable.... anyway. We bumped into Nico's best friend maddie (below) too, what a coincidence! we had a good hour hanging out there. I will miss her while I will be in Japan.


フリック美術館の庭。美しい。 The Frick museum's garden. What a pretty garden.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Beer and Pizza.. and Japan again.

I am not a foodie, and you realized that I don't post very many photos of food. Being in Japan for a while, I kind of missed food in NYC. Not only American but also ethnic food like Indian, Turkish, Vietnamees.. in that way, New Yorkers are spoiled. I just had this pizza above, it was actually with Ramp (spell?) It is garliccy scallion vegetable pizza. Also  Brian had this NY beer portslap. aren't they cute? Tastes good too. 

I am leaving for Tokyo, yes, again on a business trip. It seems that I am flying every month since last year! Hopefully this trip goes well again. Most of May I was in Japan! what a month. 

しばらく日本にいたため、NYごはんが恋しくなりました。アメリカンに限らず、インド、イタリアン、トルコ、ベトナム、タイ、、NYにいるとどこの国のご飯もすぐ食べられるのはやっぱり贅沢!私は食べ物にはあまり人ほど興味がないので(あんまりブログにも出てこないでしょ)あまり普段こだわりはないんですけどね。(だからアメリカに住めるのかも?)先日はおいしいピザやさんで、「ニラピザ」なるものがあったので食べたけど、まぁまぁだったかな。笑 普通のピザにすればよかった。下の写真は、NYのビールで、「ポークスラップ」かわいいでしょう。

明日から再度東京です。。!今度は仕事です、えぇ。5月はほとんど日本でしたね〜。笑 それでは次は空港からかな。アディオス。

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nico debut in cartoon

My friend is producing this cartoon and Nico was invited to be part of it! I am a proud mother. lol. She appears at the end of the segment around 6'00. Nice run girl!!



起きたら、すごい鼻水だし、くしゃみが連続して5回ぐらいでるし、目はかゆいし、、おととしぐらいから怪しいなと思ってたけど、やられたようです、花粉大魔王。ブライアンも同じ。NYではなんともなかったのに、日本にきてやられた。京都にいる間に、日本の鼻炎薬を飲んで、二人とも眠くて不機嫌に、、笑 普段アレルギーの薬なんて飲まないからあんなに眠くなると思わなかった。NYに帰ってきて、治るかなとおもったら、やっぱだめだわ!異常に鼻水でるし、目はかゆいし、、発症してしまいました。







Monday, May 9, 2011

Food in Kyoto


When you are in Japan one of the things to eat is Ramen of course. My boss told me "Tenka Ippin" is a famous ramen shop in Kyoto, so we tried. As yo can see, their broth is really thick! It was good but personally I prefer regular light soup.


You know how much Japan loves green tea and Matcha. Kyoto is known for that and you can imagine almost all the sweets and drinks comes in Matcha flavour. I didn't have  a photo but some store sold fresh matcha coconut tea and it was absolutely amazing...! I like Matcha in Japan has bitterness to it. It is hard to find a real Matcha treats in U.S. Also recently Oreo came out with Matcha flavour, which is delicious. (Of course kitkat comes in Matcha too in Japan)


Citrus season. It was at someone's yard. Wanted to grab one...

Bamboo shoot!! I miss eating it. It is a vegetable (right?) and we eat them in beginning of summer. 


This was at the street market in Kyoto. This store sold Hamo, it is like eel. Brian got to see a fresh Hamo getting chopped! 

Tea time, more green tea stuff. Green tea mochi and cake. This day I ate too much mochi from morning till eveing and I regreted after my stomach got bloated!

Temples and Shrines in Kyoto

We went to Japan for about a week and just came back to NYC! this time we visited old capital Kyoto, south western part of Japan. This is the place that you would go to on a school trip at least once if you are Japanese. Unlike your imagination, Kyoto is not all about old town, the city part is as developed as Tokyo and big malls and stations everywhere. This time, since the earth quake happened there were almost no foreigners. Usualy it is packed with tourist! 

I booked a traditional Japanese style hotel "Ryokan"and enjoyed good Japanese food and hospitality. Experienced temporal living in the middle of Kyoto city "Gion" where geisha used to walk around (and I believe they still are here, we just don't see them often) It was almost like a Disneyland to me how buildings are old and beautiful, makes me curious why we don't have more cities like this.

There are many shrines and temples in the city and it is impossible to visit everywhere withing short period of time. We only had 3 days, so we walked around where we were staying. Some temples did night time light up and it was really beautiful. Cherry blossom season was over but the lime green trees were refreshing and gave us a feel of fresh beginning of summer.





