Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March is ending!?

March is slipping away from the calender!! I don't remember what I have done this month. Especially the earth quake news really made me check every news available online and TV, I was so exhausted from just watching the depressing news for a week. NYC It got warmer for a day, (the above photo) but now it's back to winter mode. I cannot wait for Spring. The air is chilly but I def. smell Spring. I strongly hope that the situation in Japan will be stabilized and people can start only thinking about rebuilding. It is going to take many years...


ニューヨークは、一瞬あたたかくなったりしたのですが(写真1枚目)又冬に戻り明日は雪かもとかいってる。そろそろもう冬はいいや、、でもチューリップの芽や、木にも芽が生え、朝は鳥の声が聞こえるようになったり、少し春が近づいているのが分かる。朝は(きれいではないけど)East Riverでニコと5分ぐらいぼーっとするだけで、エネルギーがチャージされるという、ルーティーンです。

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