Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Piano at the park

Okay~. I came back from Japan thinking NYC would be cooler, but I was WRONG! SO HOT.... and I don't think NYC summer is very dry either. A little muggy, isn't it? Yesterday was 99F! (37C?) I thought my blood will be boiled. We took out Nico in morning before it gets too hot... Around St. Marks. 
There is this piano these days at this park and everyone can play. I think it is such a wonderful idea. It sounds so pretty!

Everyone is welcome to play I think and I like that people just play it, don't worry about how good they are. This man was practicing on the piano but still sounded nice. I think it's very New York, something that I love. Very spontaneous ideas. 


たまにはNYらしい写真をとろうかと?最近のタクシーはハイブリッドの車が多いです。この近所は前にも書いたけど、Smashing Pampkinのジェームズがいつもフレンチブルドッグとうろうろしてて、なんかフレンチブルドッグ抱えて歩いてる人がいると思ったら、彼だった。良く出くわす。

Nico is doing ok in the heat, She loved listening to the piano too! Most of the day She hangs out in the ACed room. Spoiled doggie. 

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