Sunday, October 24, 2010

1st day in Amsterdam

Okay so I am in Amsterdam now! As I have expected, got on the wrong train to go to Amsterdam Central Station. Their schedule was messed up and train was running slow, so what can I do! I should have just took a cab but cab is so expensive and train is only 3 Euro.....  I kept asking people and finally got to central station. I forgot that in order to open the train door, I have to press button, and I had to ask people how to open the door. How embarassing! I gave up getting on a tram with my suit case from central station. I just didn't want to drag around my luggage. so I took a cab and paid 22 Euro for 10min. cab expensive! Now I got to the hotel too early for the check-in, I decided to eat breakfast. I mean, nothing is open yet (8am) and nothing else to do...

The weather isn't very pretty today, cold and rainy! Fortunately I visited here last year and I am somewhat familiar with the environment, that's good.Eating Salami and Cheese, feels like an European (!?)  I guess this conference I am going to is very big event in Amsterdam, a lot of people are here for that right now. I saw many people getting lost at the station. I am not alone. It sucks to be alone in the foreign country and get lost. You feel lonely! Hopefully I will see my colleagues soon. I don't like eating by myself either. Totally not a person who can travel alone.

アムステルダムに来ました。出張です。海外出張で一人は初めて。。後で他の拠点の人たちと合流ですが、寂しい~!心ぼそい~!笑 せめてもの救いは、アムステルダムは去年来てたから。風景は変わってないし、良いけど。予想通り空港からの電車は乗り間違え。人に聞いて乗り継ぎを成し遂げ、、しかし車両には私一人ぽつ~ん。朝の7時。果たして本当に合ってる電車に乗っているのか、不安になりながらもなんとかセントラルに到着!トラムを探してみたが。雨だし。傘ないし。断念。タクシーにのってホテルへ。やっとついたよ。しかし朝早すぎてチェックインできず、、仕方なく朝ごはんを食べてます。


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