Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Card Project,,お楽しみに!

Our Annual X'mas card project is ON! well it was ON...!! That was part of the reason I was busy last week, we did it on last Sunday. I cannot tell you too much details but here are some sneak preview photos. We have used almost all day to preapre... shoot...and Brian retouched it very nicely! It should be coming to you very soon :)

For a prop, we decided to have gingerbread house, and originally I was looking for some easy kit that's already baked and everything but all I was able to find was this fancy kit from whole foods! I had to bake all the walls, exteriors etc...!

今年もクリスマスカード作りの季節がやってきました~!この3年間いつもやってるんだけど、恒例化してます。今年もいつもどおりぎりぎりになってブレインストーム。笑 ぎりぎりにならないといいアイディアがでないわけです。で、プロップとしてジンジャーブレッドハウスを作ることになったんだけど、、見つけたのがなんだか妙に込み入ったキットで。


This is serious house kit, I started baking like 9pm thinking it will only take 1.5hour or so... but I was so wrong big time! They had really detailed exteriors and everything, I baked so many parts of the house.


The apt was filled with yummy gingerbread smell... and I kept going and going until...ah, 2am or so! It was fun but I was exhausted after all the decoration and everything. I started icing the house around 1am I think. Crazy huh? The house was looking good though. Unfortunately I have to still hide the completed photos from you because it will be a surprise! I will post the card very soon.

See, aren't they looking good and beautiful?? I got so sleepy and tired but I had to make the icing part right, and I think the house turned out pretty good! I cannot wait to show it to you everyone....!

で、ひーひーしながら、朝の2時ごろに完成。翌日会社の日曜日に何やってるんだ!て感じです。いつもこういうことして忙しいわけです~。笑 でもはじめて作ったけど、結構面白かった、時間があるときにゆっくりと製作するべきですが、、。来年も作りたいなー!完成品はまだお見せできませんが、もう少ししたらここにもクリスマスカードをアップするので、楽しみにしててね!!


DK said...


saknak said...


なほこ said...
