Sunday, December 26, 2010


First Serious snow in NYC! but it is really serious... lightening with it. I have never seen lightening and snow storm together. It is a harsh weather but NYC is very picturesque with snow!


My friends visited us! This was at 8pm-ish, still keep snowing, probably very snowy tomorrow morning. Cannot wait to play with my dog.


AKKO D said...

Looks freezing!!miss snow so much!!
The weather is crazy here as well. Rains too much and some places got flooded. it doesn't look like we will see the sun for another week. can you believe that?? some people say it's due to El Nino but i wonder snow storm there is coz of that as well?
Anyway, have fun in snow with Nico.

saknak said...

Akko> Yes it is freezing but somehow the first snow is always fun regardless the bad weather!! rain sucks~ hope you will get sunshine soon :)