Monday, January 10, 2011

Best Friends!

I always see them as soon as I get to Japan. Probably by now everyone recognize their face...! yes they are my best friends from high school, and one of them got pregnant!! It was so exciting to actually see her with her big belly, and touching the big belly... so amazing. I thought we were just one of those "babies" but I guess not anymore. Life is magical. I hope our future children will meet good friends like we became.

Long flight but I ended up watching 4 movies and it went fast... made me tired and the movie was kind of like action and kept my brain awake.  Not very good! It's just so irresistible not to watch new movies on the airplane. Tokyo is almost as cold as New York, I am glad I brought a big coat with me and a hat! 


もう一人の友達は、駐在でマレーシアへ。世界を舞台に活躍する同級生たち、頼もしいです。みんなうるさいので、一緒にいて自分がうるさくないのが本当良いです。どんなに疲れていても、みんなと会って笑うと疲れがふっとぶ~!くだらないことしかいつも話してないんだけどな。。I love you all!

1 comment:

AKKO D said...
