Monday, May 9, 2011

Food in Kyoto


When you are in Japan one of the things to eat is Ramen of course. My boss told me "Tenka Ippin" is a famous ramen shop in Kyoto, so we tried. As yo can see, their broth is really thick! It was good but personally I prefer regular light soup.


You know how much Japan loves green tea and Matcha. Kyoto is known for that and you can imagine almost all the sweets and drinks comes in Matcha flavour. I didn't have  a photo but some store sold fresh matcha coconut tea and it was absolutely amazing...! I like Matcha in Japan has bitterness to it. It is hard to find a real Matcha treats in U.S. Also recently Oreo came out with Matcha flavour, which is delicious. (Of course kitkat comes in Matcha too in Japan)


Citrus season. It was at someone's yard. Wanted to grab one...

Bamboo shoot!! I miss eating it. It is a vegetable (right?) and we eat them in beginning of summer. 


This was at the street market in Kyoto. This store sold Hamo, it is like eel. Brian got to see a fresh Hamo getting chopped! 

Tea time, more green tea stuff. Green tea mochi and cake. This day I ate too much mochi from morning till eveing and I regreted after my stomach got bloated!


AKKO D said...


saknak said...
