Thursday, February 26, 2009


When Obama gave a speech at congress a few days ago, I thought American people are really good at believing in something. People know how to have a faith. Maybe it's a lot to do with having religions in a life. When Obama said something good, people were smiling and send him a big standing ovation for his big words and that's something we rarely see in Japan, especially in politics.

U.S. economy is really messed up right now and President's encouraging and strong words had powers to make people believe in it, I thought that was such a powerful thing. Not a lot of people can give that much power to words.  Having a hope in the possible worst economical situation in the history? I think that is a great start.

Not only economy but start believing one thing gives you power to make things come true. Sometimes you forget and you start complaining about your environment, make excuses and start blaming everything-else but yourself.  Then you realize that complaining and pitying yourself doesn't create anything exciting or new. In the end it is yourself who has to have a big dream, high spirits, and better perspectives on things.

Before you give up, you have to continue believing yourself. It's either you do it or you don't. Choices are always there.

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