Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Surprise Ski Trip

Last weekend, I went skiing to Bellayer Mountain. It's about 3hours away from New York by driving. It was for one of our friends birthday trip, and since our group of friends have been addicted to surprise party, this was one of it! so, it was a secret trip and we kidnapped our friend and went skiing from Friday. We rented this 5 bedrooms house and brought in bunch of groceries so we can cook for meals. It worked out pretty well!

We were lucky to have nice weather up there, plenty of snow this year parts of the snow was a little bit icy and scary compare to Oregon snow! 

友達の誕生日で、サプライズスキ−トリップ。マンハッタンから東北の方向にい3時間くらい車でいったところのスキー場で、5個ベッドルームのある家を借りて遊んできました。久しぶりのスキー(といっても1年ぶりか。去年はオレゴンで滑った)で体はくたくた!金曜日に行って、土曜日に滑って、夜は誕生日パーティー!のつもりでみんなたくさんゲームやビールを持ってたのに、夜の9時にはカウチで寝始めていました。(笑)日曜日に帰って来た後は、Super Bowlだったので、家でSuper Bowlをみて、月曜日は途方もないくらい疲れました。
Our birthday dinner was cream stew with home made birthday cake and a bottle of Dom Perignon! Brian's parents don't drink and they always receive champagne as gifts, so we got one of those from them. Luxurious dinner~! 

We had so much fun at the house & Skiing. Above is friends beating a friend with pillows.


Anonymous said...


saknak said...
