Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gramercy National Art Clubにて

Brian's work was exhibited at the gramercy national art club! Gramercy is old rich people's area and as expected it was full of fancy people, old!!! the place was really nice, and very classy. It was packed with people and even though it was very close from our home, I didn't feel like it was the same New York! 

ブライアンの作品が1点だけでしたが、Gramaercy National Art Clubというギャラリーにおいてのグループ展で、開催されました。近所なんですけど、これまたNYでもリッチな近所でして。写真をみたら分かると思うけど、金持ちのお年寄りダラケ!!先週いったブルックリンのアートギャラリーとは打って変わって、皆様正装&高そうなワイン配られてました。

Recession Proof bathroom... very nice. 
ブライアンの作品を眺める人。 It is nice to actually see how people look at someone's work! I saw a lot of people's work that are like hobby level but some people seemed to have a great connection. Probably that's how art works sometimes. I thought Brian's work was the best!! hehehe.

Brian's got a fan club!! It was a great Monday night, after free glasses of wine, we went to eat Indian food. Congratulations Brian!

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