Friday, April 1, 2011

The best french toast so far.

Ah, I have to share my secret french toast place. Well... actually it's not really a secret but they are so good, I don't want to tell anyone and keep all of their french toasts mine!! haha. so there is a diner near my office called "Izzy & Nats", It's a regular diner with good sandwich and chicken noodle soup. One day I just tried their french toast for lunch and aw. they are so soft! I think they fry them quickly and inside is magically soft. If you are around there, go have some food...

会社の近くには食べるところが余ないのですが、最近よく行くダイナーがあって。そこに本当においしいフレンチトーストがあるんです!!普通のダイナーなんだけど、ふわふわのフレンチトーストで、たぶん一回さくっと揚げてるんだと思うよ。揚げドーナッツだ!と、友達と興奮しながら食べてたんですが、本当おいしい。so far, 一番おいしいなマンハッタンで。この量すごいでしょう。お昼にこんなん食べてるんだから。

My friend gave me these plants in a cute cups!! One of them is going to live at Brian's office and another is at our apt. Trying to grow them and make it big! 



Unknown said...


saknak said...

ええ、苔か!!苔と藻の違いもわからんよ。笑 グーグルするべさ。

Unknown said...


saknak said...
