Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ニコ泳ぐの巻。First swimming in the... dirty pond

Finally it is getting hot! We took Nico to central park last Sat. and she had such a fun. Whenever we take her to camping or near water, she never go in. She sometimes goes into the still water like a lake, but never swim. So! we were so surprised when she went in the water and swam in the (dirty) central park pond!!!! so amazing... I should have took a video. I think before she went in the water voluntarily, she slipped walking on the ledge of the pond and I think she accidentally fell. we are not sure. but anyway, I am so happy I captured the moment! she looks serious swimming, doesn't she?? 

挑発されている。Getting excited by looking at other dogs?

必死。Trying her best to reach the shore.



Stinky dog.

Happy as a hell dog. 


AKKO D said...

うちに近く、くさるほど、dog shower設置されてるよ。コイン入れて動くやつだから年中無休だよ。その臭い水ってどこからきてるの?

saknak said...

That's great ne...! I think NYC doesn't have enough space to do that. And real state is too expensive! I am not sure what kind of water it is at central park. It's murky for sure.