Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sex & the Cityウォールストリート版


今日はWall Street Journalに面白い記事があったので紹介します。Sex and the Cityの映画版が今週リリースされることでNYは盛り上がってますが、WSJにはこんな記事が。

"As anyone who lived through it can testify, the TV show "Sex and the City" was wildly influential over the past decade. It not only introduced a generation of women to high-fashion brands like Blumarine and Chloé and pushed the concept of mixing pricey brands with flea-market finds; it also fostered pride in feminine friendships and pursuits. The show promoted the idea that successful women could take a liberated attitude toward fashion; they could dress like women at work and not look like they were copying men.

But as the show's fashion influence extended into the workplace, some people felt that such daring looks -- regularly baring bosoms, midriffs and upper thighs -- were more trashy than liberating.

As Carrie might write in one of her columns, has sexy office attire gone a step too far? Women now feel empowered to be girlie, flash cleavage or have a rollicking good time. But how liberating is that if these freedoms fail to advance women's push for better jobs and salaries?

Women's gains in the workplace have been slipping for the past several years. In 2007, women earned median weekly wages of 80.2 cents for every dollar earned by men, down from 80.8 cents in 2006 and 81 cents in 2005, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last year, 45% of women ages 25 to 34 had a college degree, compared with 36% of young men. But the median earnings of all women were 14% lower, according to an analysis of recent Census Bureau data by Timothy Casey, a senior staff attorney at Legal Momentum, a New York advocacy group.

Are women who dress in sexier office attire doing themselves a disservice? Join a discussion on Front Lines.
Of course, the complexities of sexism go well beyond how women dress. But many women seem to be unaware that liberation comes from actual power, not the power to wear bold clothes."

要約すれば、Sex & the Cityのファッションは、世の中にも多大な影響を与えて、ハイファッションと古着のミックスだったり、胸の谷間や、太ももを見せるような大胆なファッションで女性を勇気づけるような役割を果たして来たが、それが最近職場に混同して持ち込む人たちがいると。「自信がある」のを見せるファッションと、「女性の自由」と「プロフェッショナリズム」は別の物だと言うことが書いてありまして、フムフムというかんじ。自由な格好ができる=女性を優位な職場や給料に導いているのか という方程式に疑問を抱くこの記事は面白い。やっぱりアメリカ人もそう考えている人がいるんだ〜と思いました。

どっかの会社の偉い女性は、だらしがない格好で(肌がすごく見えているような)面接にくる女性は、どんなに成績が優秀でも採用しないみたいなコメントがのっていました。特に、この文章がいいですね。"many women seem to be unaware that liberation comes from actual power, not the power to wear bold clothes." (多くの女性は、本当の自由は実際の実力からくるものであって、目立つ服装を着られるパワーからくるものはないということをちゃんと分かっていない。)


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