Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Creating, Reality?

Sometimes watching American TV show dinguses me so much, that they are so cheesy, they are so consumer orientated, they are very fake, they are boring! I guess it is all the same for people who creates something but a creation reflects the producer... I feel like creation definitely envisions who you are, what you think, what you believe...etc. When I bump into those programs is the time I promise myself that I won't produce something that I'd hate to watch.

TV is a very hard medium in a way that even I want to show the reality as it is, that is not allowed. It has to be visually effective in order to catch people's eye. Odd thing, reality does not necessarily look good enough on the camera. Sometimes bad things (like heavy frosted colorful cupcakes) look good, sometimes good things (like home made roasted lamb) does not look good enough but blunt on camera.

After one spent a day in "reality" nobody wants to turn the TV on and see the same thing that you went through, rather you'd watch something you have never seen, something that makes you feel wiser, something that makes you laugh, something that makes you cry...I feel that a lot of people turn TV on to watch unreal reality. More of,, dream world. Bigger boobs, masculine boys, miracle products, "top" chefs, good cops, heroes, riches...

TV can be a lot of things. I want to be on the positive side.

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