Monday, January 8, 2007

Time is flowing outside of ziplock

It has been busy as hell again for my life. I like working but I don't like working too much... You start losing what you are living for. Although I have been busy, I had a couple of good news to keep me going this year, very beginning of 2007.

There were so many surprises in 2006 but I guess it will continue this year also. One of my best friends in Oregon is getting married! I have lived with the couple for a while in Oregon and I was very excited by the news... they are together for almost 5 years (I believe) and it finally happened. I was very surprised in a good way and really happy for them, it is a strange feeling though that my close friends are getting married. Since I have been close with the friends, I feel as if this event were happening to me and I have never felt this happy for the engagement news. I think this is because I shared some moments with them, I peeked some of their history and probably I feel closer than anybodyelse.

I used to think getting married is not the goal and just part of the life, and I still think so ... but this friends' engagement gave me a chance to think a little differently on marriage, I think. It just purly I felt it is beautiful and so much happiness that two person decided to be responsible for each other and willing to spend rest of life after overcoming many up and downs, hardships and joyful moments..... or I just live in my fantasy world :P

Today I had a news that one of my ex boyfriend from high school is now married and have two children. It was a while since I heard from him last time about his personal life so it ofcourse surprised me and from the moment that I read his e-mail, he transformed from my "ex" to a "father of two daughters". What a change! I felt like my world is going upside down.

I definetly felt that time is flowing and at the same time some moments are still fresh to me as it has been frozen in my heart. It is a feeling only you can feel it as you get older. Sometimes commitment is beautiful. It is fun to float around but one will find out different gems from commitment. Very exciting new year, waiting for more surprising news....

I want to congratulate both of my dear friends for their new page of life.

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