I challenged scuba diving while I stayed in Grand Turk. I have never had a chance to do it, and also there is nothing better to do it and the place is known for the best destination for diving, there was no reason for me to not to do it.
I was a little bit nervous, I am not scared of water, I am not scared of hight but I was not sure what to expect for diving. I took this "resort course" which the dive master suppose to tell me all the basics and supposed to hold my hand and navigate all the time during the dive. The dive master was really laid back guy, very nice man, he taught me a couple of things and "Let's go!"
First time, I dived with 8 year old kids and their parents, I was telling myself "If they can do it, I can do it!" Fortunately, first time was not that deep and it was interesting to see all the coral reef etc. My ear hurt so bad though...
Under the sea, the forest which I have never seen was wide spread in every possible color exists in the world. A lot of fish that I have never seen and I was wondering "which fish is edible..!?" yes,,, I am a Japanese fish eater after all. A lot of fish were unkown to me and I was surprised that there are so much things that I have never known or seen in my life. Under sea was completely a different world from where I usually live!
These fish photos are taken by my friend, she had nice shots! When the dive master took me to deeper like 23m, I felt scared for the first time when I couldn't see the bottom of the ocean! My heart started racing, my breath was getting bigger, I had to tell him that I need to go up. While I was surfacing, after I saw the bottom under my feet I got back the calmness and enjoyed the rest of diving... well I learned that I am not very good at depth....
本当にいろんな魚がいて、魚を見てると、色々心配ごとも消え(息ができなくなったらどうしようとか、タンクが重いとか、思うように動けないとか)とても楽しめました。とにかく下にもぐるときに左耳が痛くて、Equalize するんだけど(鼻をつまんでぷっとね。)うまくいかなくて3回目までは慣れなかった〜。とにもかくにも見た事がないものばかりで、こんなに知らない世界があるのか。。。と驚いた。
この他にも、たつのおとしごとか、サメ、Sting Rayなどを近くで見られたのが感動的でした〜。Sting Rayは、日光の鹿状態で、Conchというでかい貝を持って行くと、うようよ近づいてくるのです。しっぽは毒なので触れないんだけど、ベルベットのような肌。。犬のように近づいてくる魚にびびりました。こわかったです。彼はライセンスとれ、って言ってたけど(8回くらい潜って、試験を受けると、自由に動き回れる)どうかなー。ちなみに島のダイブマスターはお気楽な人で、2回目にして私の手はもう握ってなかったよ!!そして帰って来てからリゾートコースの人は本当は5mくらいまでしか行っちゃいけない、と聞いた!(笑)そんなこと言ってなかったよ。そりゃ、やっぱ普通こわいよねいきなり23mは。
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