Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dan Winters, Favorite Photographer

Since I started dating my boyfriend, I learned that there is a deeper world in photography. I still don't know a lot about photography but I def. pay more attentions to photos more in ads, magazines, newspapers etc. There is fascinating world of photography, especially commercial photography is very interesting. (Just because I didn't know that world existed)

After I start paying attentions to those photos in publication, I often realized that there are some favorite photos and shot by certain photographers. Sooner or later I can start telling who shot that photo. Photographer has own style and especially wnen it is your favorite one, you can naturally tell that it's THE photographer you like.

Dan Winters is one of my favorite, ( not that I know a lot of photographers...) and today he had a book signing and lecture in chelsea so we went there. It was one of those great experiences you can have in NYC. you can see your hero for free!!! and as I have expected or more than I have expected, he was very gracious humble person. I thought you must be a great human being before you become professional, anything. He is such a greatful person and I was able to see why he takes such great photos.

He shoots photos like he captures person's aura.  but not overdone, very subtle and clean. Sometimes a little bit dramatic. I learned that he is also illustrator and sometimes he even builds his sets and props for his shoots. He is a pure artist! very jealous~. Anyway,  if you have a chance please check his website out. Great works are there....

NYにいることの特権の一つは、憧れの人に簡単に会える事です。今日は好きなフォトグラファー「Dan Winters」のブックサイン会にいってきました。彼の最初のフォトブックで、もう50ぐらいのお父さんですが、とても素敵なライティングで写真を撮る人です。前にも書いた「納棺夫日記」を読み終わったばかりだったのですが、何かその内容が重なってくるようなアーティストでした。とても情熱的だけど、自分の周りに感謝の気持ちがいっぱいある人で、おごらず、しなやかな作品を出し続けている人というか。

彼は、New York Timesの出しているマガジンなどによく写真をとるので、有名人のポートレートを多く撮っていますが、その中でオバマのエピソードを話していました。「彼をずっと追いかけているフォトジャーナリストに、オバマのことを色々教えてもらおうと思って聞いたら、オバマ氏は今まで見た事がないくらい感情のアップダウンがなく、落ち着いた人。とても自分のやりたいことにフォーカスしている人よ、といわれた。本当に撮影したら、とても気さくな人で落ち着いている雰囲気のある人だった。そんな彼が本当に大統領になってくれて嬉しい」とか、素敵なエピソードをたくさん話してくれました。

本の最初に、彼のすきなAlbert Einsteinの引用が書かれているのがまた素敵です。
"It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure."


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saknak said...
