Sunday, June 28, 2009

BBQ at friends place in Brooklyn

Saturday we were invited to friends BBQ in brooklyn. As soon as we went to grocery to shop beer and burgers, it started pouring! (You can click the photo to enlarge to see the rain) Oddly enought it didn't rain like this in Brooklyn and the cloud passed while we were in the subway.


Our friend had a nice back yard, their landlord takes care of it very well and it felt like we are not in New York! A lot of people showed up and good food and conversations... 裏庭のある家で、きれいにお手入れされていて、本当NYにいる感じしなかった。いっぱい人もきてて、良いバーベキューでした。


上は、手作りのマシュマロ!!すごいおいしかった。。友達がつくったやつで、メインの材料はジェルテン(日本語で寒天か?)と、メープルシロップ、アガベ、raw sugarとかがほとんどで卵白も入ってないらしい。本当おいしくて、今度作りたい!ふわふわでメープルシロップが聞いている.彼女は、s'more作れるように、グラムクラッカーも作って来てた!素敵。

Above is handmade mashmallow made by one of the friends. It was very very delicious and I was impressed that Mashmallows can be handmade! (I mean, I have never seen handmade one...) It was very delicious and she told me main ingredients are mostly geltin, Agave, Maple Syrup, raw sugar. I would like to challenge making them sometime soon. It was really fluffy and makes everyone happy kind of food.


Unknown said...


saknak said...

かよちん、ゼラチン。。ね。笑 そういわれたら、そうです。やばいな〜。マシュマロ作ってみる予定!!メープルシロップ使った方がおいしいって彼女いってた。寒天はagar agarか。