まずは、さわやかなところからいくか!ミントティ〜〜!そうですよ、お茶の葉っぱは入ってなくたって、茶な訳です、ていうか葉っぱが入ってればTea? でも、こんなに丸ごと、豪快にミントが入っているミントティーは、アムステルダムで初めて見ました。(ちなみに初めて飲んだのはウィスコンシンのKさんちだった気がする)たんに、ミントにお湯注いであるだけね!手軽だけど、すっきりおいしいよ!これにはちみついれると最高。
My favorite drink in Amsterdam was this gorgeous mint tea! I have never seen people use entire & this much of mint (usually herbs expensive so...especially in NYC you wouldn't find this) It was great refreshing drink. Very simple but good! Especially added honey was wonderful!
I am studying beer, what kind of bubble it's making, no joke. I am so serious. seriously.
Golden drinks you will ever see in your life! very refreshing, I have never tasted Heineken this well.
NYに前にいた友達が、ずっと「pickled Herringは最高!!」っていうから、ずっと試したくて機会を狙っていた、一緒にいた友達はそんなのに興味ゼロだったが、我が道をいく。ていうかどこにでもスタンドがあるんだけど!
My friend has been recommending me to eat this pickled herring and this day I finally made my dream come true!!! look, I am bravely ordering pickled herring at the stand.
I was expecting this thing to be really sour, imagining pickled in Vinegar or something, but it was actually tasted like Sashimi!!! they were good but since it was unexpected and Sashimi snack for 3pm without white rice...!? it felt very strange. Next time I will bring white rice with me.
French fries with Mayo was good with Beer. Irresistible!
We ate tons of Asian cuisine somehow. It was great Chinese food above, didn't see very many Japanese restaurant.
Poisonous Chocolate Covered waffles. I was drunk but wasn't brave enough to buy these... aaah.
Dutch pancakes! First 5 min. is heaven, and then you fell to a sweet hell. I couldn't even finish it, it was good though, wish mine didn't have so much liquor and whipped cream on it...
The best thing there was fresh fruits... everything tasted very fresh and right amount of sweetness. I wish we had those here.
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